
Ten things to do at Groezrock

Once again festival season is coming, and that only means one big thing: Groezrock time!. It is that time of the year when we all travel to Meerhout to enjoy a whole weekend of music, friendship and fun time. Personaly talking, this will be my 10th Groezrock in a row, who would have thought that back in 2007 when I first visited those green and lovely fields?, crazy, right?. That is why we have set a – ten  things  to do – list which might be useful for those freshman (or not ) visitors. These are only our picks, feel free to share yours with us!

1- Do not miss Pre-Groezrock club show and Camping Acoustic Meeting. 

Party star early, so you better hurry up!. This year Pre-Groez edition line-up is stunning and Kill The President, The Waiting Game, The Human Project, No Fun At All and Less Than Jake will make the night of the 28th a punk rock one. On the other side, the Camping Acoustic Meeting allows anyone to play acoustic songs inside the camping area, just like when we were kids and sang in front of the camp fire. Fun!

2- Eat Fries, drink Jupiler and enjoy the amazing «Just Like Your Mom» vegan burger. 

Fries, fries, fries everywhere! These Belgian people love them and we do now too! Huge portions and a lot of mayo, ketchup … A really good combination when mixed with a Jupiler beer or with the amazing Just Like Your Mom vegan burger which, awarded as one of the best in Europe, is a real must!

3- Take a Picture and have a chat with him, «the festival man».

He has been to more Groezrocks (and a huge list of other festivals) than you and I together. He is always around enjoying and having fun. He is also nice, so do not hesitate and talk to him, he is definetely part of this festival!


4- Crowdsurf at Back To Basics Stage.

Do you like small shows where you can be close to the band and enjoy  without barries? Do you like crowdsurfing?. If you answered «yes» to both questions, you need to party at this stage, where hardcore bands such as H20, Verse or Off! held amazing shows in past editions, and where Youth Of Today, Iron Chic or PEARS will do so in a few days

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. Take care of each other and crowdsurf at your own risk!

5- Check how many people wear the same band t-shirt you are wearing on your way to the shower. 

It is early in the morning, you are probably hungover and you walk like a zombie. Then you star checking other people faces, looks and … shirts!. How many of them are your t-shirt brothers or sisters?. Quite a few, you will be suprised. Talk to them and make new friends, that is what Groezrock is about, isn’t it?.

6- Buy books, vinyl and all kind of merchandising. 

Groezrock has one of the best flea markets ever. You will find almost anything you are looking for. Big names such as Epitaph or Fat will be selling all their stuf, but also other independent and really good distros offer you good merch: Shield Recordings or our spanish friends from La Agonia De Vivir are a Must!.


7- Support and discover new bands at Watchout Stage. 

Take your time to discover new bands. Forget about checking only the big name ones. You might be surprised about how a band you didn’t know sound, or about how the audience enjoy with small bands. It is always special and fun, do not waste the chance of listening to new bands live, show them some love!

8- Get lost on the way back to your tent. 

Camping field is huge, it is dark at night and you might be tipsy. Take your time and relax, you will probably try to get in a tent you dont belong. Chill, enjoy and meet new people. We have experienced that feeling before. Everyone actually has!


9- Check exclusive acoustic perfomances at American Socks booth. 

Frank Turner, Mad Caddies, Much The Same, Not On Tour, Four Year Strong … and many more will play acoustic songs both days at American booth. Be on time, enjoy the shows and buy some socks. Nice idea, we will be around for sure.

10- Last but not least, say hi to us, pay us a drink or get one of our t-shirts.

We are really nice and friendly spanish people. We love to make new friends and share some drinks and laughs, so if any of you see us walking around with our banner or our t-Shirt, say hi! We might have a shirt for you guys! Let’s have fun together!


Berri Txarrak – Jaio.Musika.Hil (Disco Remember)

Diez cosas que hacer en el Groezrock